Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Slow, Futile Constructions

Due to the temperature outside, sometimes water will attempt great feats of collaboration, building upside down ladders to the ground, perhaps tired of merely throwing itself violently, hoping for an easier, softer and more pleasant route.
I sat and watched the icicles form for a little while. Beadlets of water, attempting to cling and freeze to the end would stretch, screaming, groping, then shuddering would fall, and break into little pieces of water on the concrete below. Then the next would try. Then the next, and on, bravely sacrificing themselves to build this city, or perhaps merely victims of a determined future who were hopeful that they would be one of the lucky ones, the ones who sit comfortably back, scaffolding and roadway for the great many who they watch plunge to their screaming, horrible deaths.

I must say, I am not entirely convinced that we are not all mere beads of water, running down the most logical path, success being merely a matter of luck and circumstance. I like to think that we are not, but I cannot say for sure.
I, for one, don't see anything wrong with this. Droplets of water forming into icicles is a perfectly beautiful thing.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

My house

The curtains were tired, hanged til they could hang no more. The carpets were all ashamed and ruined from being walked on, defaced and stained, even urinated on a few times over the last several years. The windows shuddered and banged when the wind blew, hoping it would break and kill them, knowing it would not be long. The pipes in the floors and walls groaned, sadly, so old and tired. 

Occasionally a doorknob would fall off a door, as if the door had leprosy, and as I grasped it's hand in greeting I would suddenly find myself holding the detached hand of a door, who was too terrified and shocked to start screaming yet. I would frequently rush to try and get the knob back on as quickly as possible, feeling quite bad for the door, who could only stare silently, tears streaming down it's face. 

If my toaster were brave, and tried to  run away with the vacuum cleaner, our electric blanket, any lamp we may own... they would not make it far. It would be like a group of geriatric paraplegics trying to escape their hospital. They would surely die.
Because entropy is in full swing, in this place. Sit a moment, and appliances will die around you, gutters will crash to the ground outside, the pipes will burst beneath your feet. Like facing an extremely slow murderer, a person must continue to move out of the way, sighing in annoyance, that they might survive another moment.